Simple ebook creator software

Dear Publisher

As the internet has grown, one thing hasbecome obvious (and problematic)...
More and more people now depend on it astheir number one method of research.
They could be writing a school paper,analyzing competitors or simply researchingthe best place to take their next vacation.
However, with all the information that's nowavailable to them, it can also getoverwhelming and frustrating.

I mean, seriously, who wants to weed throughthousands of search results to find the exactanswers to what you were looking for?
That's why information products such aseBooks have skyrocketed in popularity.
It's a convenient way to package all theinformation into a format where someone couldget all the answers they need in onelocation.
No long searches...
No "fuzzy eyes" from staring at your screenfor long periods of time.
So, then the question becomes, how do peoplecreate eBooks?
Well, essentially there are two main methods.
The first is to put it in a PDF format.

However, the downside to that method isyou're very limited in the kind of multimediainformation you can include.
The alternative is to create an eBook in anexecutable format.
Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to do...especially if you don't have any technicalexperience.
That's why a product called eBook Generatorhas become so popular over the last severalyears.

It's given the "average user" the ability tocreate powerful eBooks in this format withjust a few clicks of the mouse.
There are all kinds of amazing features. Forexample, there is one feature that will giveyou the ability to protect your informationfrom people wanting to illegally steal it.

You know the ones...
They purchase a digital product, download itand then immediately ask for a refund.
eBook Generator will stop people like that intheir tracks.
There are a lot of other powerful featuresand I recommend you take a look.
Take care,

P.S Be sure to look at the section thatdescribes the "tracking feature". You won'tbelieve how powerful that is for someoneselling a digital product!

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