Header Generator Software

Dear {reader},

I'm sure you've experienced this before...
You hear from a friend about a great productand you hurry over to the salesletter to readall the details.

Only when you get there, something isn'tquite right.
You can't explain it, but your excitementquickly fizzles.
It only took a split second for thatsalesletter to make a first impression and inthis example, it wasn't a good one.

No matter how much your friend talked aboutthis product, there's just no way you want toslap down your credit card to buy.
Then, a few seconds later, you're gone.
Obviously that product owner just lost asale but more importantly, you were a hotprospect because you came from your friend'srecommendation.

So what happened?
It really boils down to two words...
Professional Image
The more time we spend online the more thesetwo words become increasingly important.
You see, when you are selling productsonline, you have to think of your saleslettervery much like a storefront.

If there is nothing that grabs the read andpulls them in... they're gone.
Likewise, if something turns them off such aspoorly designed graphics... then they're goneeven faster.
You have just a few seconds to make thatfirst impression which is where manymarketers drop the ball.

They work so hard on developing the productand writing the salesletter that they forgetthose last few crucial details that make allthe difference.
That's why designing high quality headergraphics is essential.
It's all part of branding.

It paints a picture of who you are and helpsbuild trust and credibility.
However, creating header graphics by yourselfcan be challenging... especially if you don'thave any graphical knowledge.

Normally you have to outsource it to aprofessional designer. Depending on how manyyou want, that can get costly.
The worst part is, if you want to make anychanges afterwards, you've got to pay again.

That's why I was recently impressed when Ifound a very powerful software application(that's reasonably priced) that will createprofessional header graphics for you.
It was created for the "average person" whichmeans you don't need to have any graphicalknowledge.

To create your customized headers, you simplyfollow the three steps, press a button andsave your image.
It's really that easy.

You can even see a screen shot of thesoftware here:
This software can mean the difference betweenspending all of your time trying to designyour graphics the hard way or spendinghundreds of dollars for a single headergraphic to be created by a professional


Having everything created for you so you justpoint, click and save.
Seems like a no brainer doesn't it?
It is.
You'll thank me once you create your firstheader graphic.
Remember, first impressions are important somake sure your's count by having an unlimitednumber of high quality graphic headerscreated for you and your business, all forone low price.

Take care,

P.S Last time I checked, this program alsocame with over 300+ professionally designedheader graphics which were automaticallyincluded in the price of the software. Clickbelow for more details:

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