Internet Millionaires's story

****Vacuum Salesman To Multi-Millionaire********

It all started in 1996..
A vacuum salesman was at a crossroads in hislife.
He was living in a studio apartment inBiloxi, Mississippi,
because that was allthat he could afford.
All he basically had was a desk, and acomputer.
Something had to change.

He started looking for clues from people whohad made it big.
What were they doing?
What was different about their approach tobusiness?
Around that time, he heard Bill Gates make avery important comment...
"If your business is not on the Internet,then your business will be out of business."
That's when he made the decision to go forit.

He immediately switched gears and went in acompletely different direction with his life.
Although he didn't know anything about makingwebsites or writing code,
he KNEW theinternet had tremendous potential.
It was the future of business.

Fast forward to today, and now he's nowrunning his own online business that is generating over $15 million dollars a year. So how does one go from a vacuum salesmanwho's struggling to get by, to a multi-millionaire who has a dream lifestyle?

It starts with a solid foundation of a set ofprinciples and well thought out strategy.
From there, all the new traffic andconversion tactics simply slide into place.
And that's where the major difference is...
Most people are trying to force every newtactic or "hot strategy" into their businesswithout ever knowing how it truly "fits".

Unfortunately, that's why they experience a"roller coaster" income.
Some strategies work for a while, and thenthey fizzle out and they are back to squareone.
However, if you have a solid foundation, youare constantly building on top of themomentum that you have already gained.

That's the secret behind this vacuum salesmanturned internet millionaire.
He built his business differently from therest and despite ups and downs in theindustry, his income has steadily grown everysingle year.
What would you rather have, a roller coasterincome or steady growth?
Silly question isn't it?


They get lured into the roller coaster income.
Some strategies seem "sexy" when they firstcome out and at first, they can be exciting.
However, if they don't "fit" and there's nooverall strategy, then the same thing iseventually going to happen.
Learn from someone who has done it the rightway for the last 12 years.
Build a solid foundation the correct way andwatch your sales steadily grow every year.

It's less stressful.
It's more profitable.
It's a lot more enjoyable.
You deserve to take advantage of theopportunity available online.
This could be your "decision moment" and in afew years time, we could be telling yourstory of mega success :)
Take care.
P.S Reward yourself and take a closer lookat his story and the secrets behind his

Dear reader

What makes people buy? have you ever wondered ?
It's an interesting question but just imagineif you had the answers.
How would you market differently?
For starters, you'd save a lot of moneybecause you'd know exactly where to spendyour advertising dollars.

It instantly puts remarkable power into allof your marketing communications to inspireand convince your prospects and customers topurchase ANY product or service you sell, atanytime... and as often as you want

There are two words that describe what we aretalking about:
** Psychological Tactics **
Two of the world's top online marketersnarrowed down the list to the Top 21Psychological Triggers that make peoplewant to buy.

It's a fascinating analysis of over 89 casestudies of these powerful tactics in action.
You can read all the details here:
Take care,

P.S Link on the link below and you’ll learnhow to squeeze more cash-profits out of thecustomers you attract during any economicdownswing, meltdown, or recession... even ifyou're on a shoestring budget!

Dear Reader

If you've ever sold information on theInternet, I'm sure you can relate to this.
When people first started to sell informationonline, there were a wide variety ofconcerns... especially for merchants.
Among other things, actually publishing theinformation was the problem.
How would you distribute paid informationwithout your customers copying the info andselling it themselves?

Giving them a Microsoft Word documentwouldn't work because there is no way to stoppeople from highlighting the text they wantand pasting it elsewhere.
The same goes for posting the content on apassword protected website. Once they haveaccess to the material, they could still copyit from the website and paste it in anotherdocument.
Furthermore, there was the issue ofdelivering the digital product in a way thatkept all the formatting consistent.

For example if the author used a font thatthe customer didn't have on their computer,it would naturally replace the font withsomething else.
The problem is, this replacement font wouldthrow all the formatting off and the documentwould look terrible.
So what happened to change all of this?
Well, Adobe came along and created awonderful program called Adobe Acrobat.
This would allow publishers to save theirdocuments in a format that could be protectedand kept consistent all the while customerswould still be able to consume theinformation that they paid for.

You've probably heard many people refer tothem as PDF documents. They quickly becamepopular and are now the standard indelivering information.
However, there's still one major downside tothis solution...
The price of Adobe Acrobat is extremelyexpensive and isn't manageable for manyentrepreneurs.

I know what you're thinking...
We're back to square one right?
The good news is, no, we're not back tosquare one because there was another solutioncreated that still uses the same power of atraditional PDF document and yet is a lotmore affordable for every day people.

It's called Instant PDF Generator and wascreated by a company called GeneratorSoftware.

Here are FOUR BIG ADVANTAGES of Instant PDFGenerator:
1. Simple to Use: If you can click your mousebutton, you can create a PDF document.
2. Low Cost: Other PDF creation software canrun you as much as $249. You'll save over$150 with Instant PDF Generator and it willbe more simple and easier to use.
3. Convert ANY type of document to PDF: Ifyou can print it. You can convert it to PDFthanks to the powerful conversion technologywithin Instant PDF Generator.
4. No Learning Curve: If you can print adocument, you can use Instant PDF Generator.
It really is the most affordable and powerfulsolution for personal and business use.
My recommendation is to click on the linkbelow because you'll also be able to see ascreen shot of the product in action.

Take care,

P.S Last time I checked, Instant PDFGenerator also came with "Lifetime Upgrades"which means you'll never have to pay anyadditional charges when the product isupdated or new features have been added.

Creating documents online the easy way,

Dear Reader

Creating documents online is easy, but protecting them is a lot harder.
One of the methods used to prevent people from changing the document has been to change it into a PDF document.
However, that hasn't always been easy.
First there is the cost. Using Adobe Acrobat Professional can run you a few hundred dollars and for most of us, all the extra bells and whistles just aren't necessary.
That's why I was excited to see that Generator Software has just released their latest version of Instant PDF Generator.

It was an excellent program before but now with the new features, it's proving to be the best bang for the buck.
For example, they just updated...
>> Quick Toolbar Button Access

It's now even easier to find all the features you want to use with their redesigned toolbar.
>> Page Orientation Portrait and Landscape
Now you can flip the orientation of the page and still turn it into a PDF document. That's real handy if you have any documents that look better on a landscape view.

>> Font Embedding and Substitutions
Using your favorite fonts is a cinch now that they've added the font embedding and substitutions. That means your options are completely under your control!
>> Image Embedding with Compression to Reduce File Size

This was probably one of the biggest annoyances with creating PDF documents and the folks at Generator Software have solved it perfectly.
Now adding your favorite images to any document is a breeze and with the compression feature, it won't make your file size enormous which is a plus for people downloading it from the internet!
>> Security Password Access for Both Owner and User
This little extra security feature will probably be the most overlooked of all but it certainly gives you a lot more control over who has access to your documents.
By adding both owner and user security features you instantly eliminate anyone trying to read your documents who doesn't have permission.

>> Disabling of Printing, Modification, Extraction and Form-filling
These features give you that little bit extra control over the way people interact with your documents.

>> Digital Signatures
Let's say you are sending confidential information and you want to ensure that it's safe and hasn't been modified after sending it to the person you wish you recieve it.
That's where the digital signature comes into play which gives the reader the assurance that the information has not been altered since it was sent.
Instant PDF Generator really has raised the bar as far as it's functionality and ease of use.
Here are FOUR BIG ADVANTAGES of Instant PDF Generator:
1. Simple to Use: If you can click your mouse button, you can create a PDF document.
2. Low Cost: Other PDF creation software can run you as much as $249. You'll save over $150 with Instant PDF Generator and it will be more simple and easier to use.
3. Convert ANY type of document to PDF: If you can print it. You can convert it to PDF thanks to the powerful conversion technology within Instant PDF Generator.

4. No Learning Curve: If you can print a document, you can use Instant PDF Generator.
It really is the most affordable and powerful solution for personal and business use.
My recommendation is to click on the link below because you'll also be able to see a screen shot of the product in action.

Take care,
P.S Last time I checked, Instant PDF Generator also came with "Lifetime Upgrades" which means you'll never have to pay any additional charges when the product is updated or new features have been added.

Generating PDF documents made easy

Generator Software’s PDF Generator

********Quick Description:*******Instant PDF Generator is a piece of software produced by the team at Generator Software which creates PDF files compatible with Adobe Acrobat and other third party PDF tools. The major difference between this products and many of it’s competitiors is it’s reasonable price and ease of use.

*******What I Like:*******The price is the first item that jumps out primarily because many other alternatives (especially Adobe Acrobat) can run upwards of $200+. This however is much more reasonable and yet produces the exact same outcome.

Secondly, the simplicity of this software makes it extremely easy to start using without having to know any other skill sets other than sending something to print.

Once installed, it uses a 4-step process similar to how you would print a regular document. With PDF becoming the standard in electronic distribution, Instant PDF Generator makes it very easy to get started.
Also, the “email function” is extremely handy if you are looking to email someone a PDF document that you are working from.

You don’t even have to login to your email client and you can do it straight from the software application.

*****Things To Watch For:*****

Since Instant PDF Generator uses the print functionality to produce the PDF documents it’s crucial that it be compatible with many other desktop applications. With that said, last time I checked Instant PDF Generator also came with lifetime updates so your assurred to have the latest version available to you when after you purchase.


Generator Software always produce high quality products and Instant PDF Generator falls into that category. With it’s simple user interface it makes it very simple for someone to create a PDF document from virtually any application where you would be able to print.

When you add all these features along with the full-time support staff that Generator Software have made available for you, Instant PDF Generator becomes an incredibly cost effective alternative to purchasing Adobe Acrobat helping you create your PDF documents quickly and easily.

For more information on this product check out

Header Generator Software

Dear {reader},

I'm sure you've experienced this before...
You hear from a friend about a great productand you hurry over to the salesletter to readall the details.

Only when you get there, something isn'tquite right.
You can't explain it, but your excitementquickly fizzles.
It only took a split second for thatsalesletter to make a first impression and inthis example, it wasn't a good one.

No matter how much your friend talked aboutthis product, there's just no way you want toslap down your credit card to buy.
Then, a few seconds later, you're gone.
Obviously that product owner just lost asale but more importantly, you were a hotprospect because you came from your friend'srecommendation.

So what happened?
It really boils down to two words...
Professional Image
The more time we spend online the more thesetwo words become increasingly important.
You see, when you are selling productsonline, you have to think of your saleslettervery much like a storefront.

If there is nothing that grabs the read andpulls them in... they're gone.
Likewise, if something turns them off such aspoorly designed graphics... then they're goneeven faster.
You have just a few seconds to make thatfirst impression which is where manymarketers drop the ball.

They work so hard on developing the productand writing the salesletter that they forgetthose last few crucial details that make allthe difference.
That's why designing high quality headergraphics is essential.
It's all part of branding.

It paints a picture of who you are and helpsbuild trust and credibility.
However, creating header graphics by yourselfcan be challenging... especially if you don'thave any graphical knowledge.

Normally you have to outsource it to aprofessional designer. Depending on how manyyou want, that can get costly.
The worst part is, if you want to make anychanges afterwards, you've got to pay again.

That's why I was recently impressed when Ifound a very powerful software application(that's reasonably priced) that will createprofessional header graphics for you.
It was created for the "average person" whichmeans you don't need to have any graphicalknowledge.

To create your customized headers, you simplyfollow the three steps, press a button andsave your image.
It's really that easy.

You can even see a screen shot of thesoftware here:
This software can mean the difference betweenspending all of your time trying to designyour graphics the hard way or spendinghundreds of dollars for a single headergraphic to be created by a professional


Having everything created for you so you justpoint, click and save.
Seems like a no brainer doesn't it?
It is.
You'll thank me once you create your firstheader graphic.
Remember, first impressions are important somake sure your's count by having an unlimitednumber of high quality graphic headerscreated for you and your business, all forone low price.

Take care,

P.S Last time I checked, this program alsocame with over 300+ professionally designedheader graphics which were automaticallyincluded in the price of the software. Clickbelow for more details:

Website Header Generator Software

What I like About Generator Software’s Header Generator

************Quick Description:*******
**********Header Generator is a very useful point-and-click software program designed to create header graphics for your websites.

***************What I Like:********************

It’s been proven that well designed header graphics draw attention and can boost your website conversion ratios up to 30%.
The problem is most people are not graphic designers so it can get expensive to create these type of graphics every time you create a new website.
Header Generator eliminates this problem making it a very cost effective alternative to hiring a graphic designer.
Since the software program has been built for people with very little technical or design skills, it is impressive just how quick it can be to create a header that matches the layout and design of the rest of your salesletter.
With this program there are no restrictions as to the number of header graphics you can create and with over 300+ templates included in the package, it’s very easy to get started.

*******Things To Watch For:*********

********Keep your designs consistent!

One of the benefits of Header Generator is that it gives you the ability to create a consistent look and feel for all of your websites. It helps you establish your brand and build a more professional prescense on the web. Keep it that way by maintaining some consistency between your header graphics.


If you are tired of paying graphic designers to create simple graphics for you then you’ll want to get yourself a copy of this software. Last time I checked, it also came with lifetime updates and was backed by a 100% 30-Day money back guarantee. When you add those two benefits along with the tremendous support that always comes with Generator Software products, this becomes a no brainer.
Claim your copy here:

The Amazing Popover Generator software

Dear reader

If you've been online for a number of yearsknow one major thing to be true...
Not everything that worked last year willcontinue to work this year.
For example, when it came to list building,in the beginning all you needed to do waspost an opt-in box on your page and peoplewould naturally sign up.
Then, as time passed, online marketers had towork harder and harder to get the same kindof opt-in rates.

Because people were getting bombarded withemail and they became a lot more cautiouswith who they gave their email address to.
The same thing can be said with the use ofpop ups.
In the beginning they worked great for themarketers that were using them.
Then came all the pop up blockers!
Even though the pop up technology was stillworking, it became less effective because ofall the pop up blockers that prevented thatmarketing message from getting through toeach of the visitors.

This created a major problem for manymarketers because the pop up had become areliable method for generating newsubscribers and sales.
But, obstacles like this always spur onbetter, more advanced solutions.
That's exactly what happened because shortlyafter the PopOver was introduced from theteam at Generator Software.
It uses the same principles of the pop up butit brings a lot more advanced features.
For example..

*************Popup Blockers cannot block these windows*******************

Therefore, your marketing messages getthrough to your intended audience withoutbeing interrupted!

**********************You can use PopOvers for subscription boxes.*********

Collecting opt-ins has never been easierbecause now you can place your opt-in formsright within the PopOver.
PopOvers grab your visitors attention andhelp you build your list at the same time!

***********************You can use "delayed" or timed PopOvers.********************
This is where you can really start to havefun with your marketing.
Now you have the ability to determine theprecise time of when your PopOver messagewill be delivered.
You aren't limited at all and maintain fullcontrol over the entire PopOver process.

*********************You can use PopOvers from a link.********************
Perhaps you'd like a PopOver to appear whensomeone clicks a link - that's possible withthis PopOver technology.
It was created to give the marketer fullcontrol over how their messages are deliveredto the end consumer.
Placing them through a salesletter or webpageis a viable method for delivering yourmarketing messages.

*******************You can create eye-grabbing "Drop-Ins"***************
Remember how I said the PopOver gives youmore control?
Here is another example of this in action.
The "Drop-In" instantly grabs people'sattention because it also contains movementwhen the PopOver first appears on theirscreen.
The best part is, you once again control thatmovement by deciding the exact location ofwhere the PopOver appears.

******You can use the Alert Box PopOver***************

This feature is really effective, especiallyif it's used correctly.
It's inevitable that people have come acrossvarious Windows warnings on their computer.

This PopOver is designed very similar tothose warnings which is why your prospectspay close attention to the message.
Obviously that helps increase your responserates. The key is to use this type ofPopOver in important locations.
So you can see through the examples abovethat the PopOver has taken the outdatedpopup technology to an entirely new level.

There are many other features to the PopOverbut the bottom line is this:
If you want your marketing messages to getthrough to your web visitors then you have tostart using more advanced technology becausethe traditional popup gets blocked.
The best (and most affordable) technologythat I've found is PopOver Generator.
My recommendation is to click on the linkabove because you'll also be given exclusivevideo tutorials showing you the mosteffective strategies to using this in yourmarketing.

Take care,
P.S Last time I checked, PopOverGenerator also came with "Lifetime Upgrades"which means you'll never have to pay anyadditional charges when the product isupdated or new features have been added.

Pop Over Generator

Generator Software’s Pop Over Generator
************************************Quick Description:************************************Getting the attention of people visiting your website is getting harder and harder – especially if you are trying to direct their attention to something specific. Pop Over Generator solves that problem for you with it’s advanced pop over technology.
************************************What I Like:************************************Traditional “pop up” software can be effective for creating the old style of pop ups but the problem lies in the fact that most browsers come equipped with pop up blockers which means these pop ups are essentially useless.
That’s why Pop Over Generator is a wonderful alternative because it won’t get blocked by most of the pop up blockers. That means your marketing messages get through to your intended audience!
Using the program is fairly straightforward as you simply follow the steps within the program in order to select the options you prefer.
You can embed images, text, audio, video and/or a combination of them all which gives you the ability to customize your message exactly how you want. ************************************Things To Watch For:************************************As with anything, it’s important to match your pop over message to your branding so that the website visitor feels comfortable when the pop over occurrs.
If you decide to use audio or video in your message then it’s advised that you have a ½ -1 second delay before the audio actually begins. This will give your user the chance to adjust any volume levels from an unexpected message.
************************************Conclusion:************************************If you are looking to utilize the “pop up” in your marketing then there is nothing better than Pop Over Generator. With it’s ability to get past the pop up blockers it clearly becomes the top choice for any serious online marketer.
It’s easy to use and as with all Generator Software products is backed by top notch customer service and support.
For more information on this product check out:

Attention All Internet Marketers

---Attention All Internet Marketers---------

Amazing New Software....Creates Sales Letters In Minutes!
I have been personally authorized by Armand Morin to tell you about Sales Letter Generator.

* Simply Fill-In-The Blank Format* 7 Audio Tutorials To Walk You Through* Complete Text Manual for You To Print

If you go ahead and purchase today, you canalso receive $315 in FREE BONUS GIFTS!

Check it out today by clicking the above link



Quick trivia question for Marketers...

Dear Marketer

Quick trivia question for you...
What sales tool has been around for over 75+years and has been responsible for billions of dollars in sales?
Here's a hint...
It was originally used in offline directresponse marketing but now is also beingwidely used online?
Have you guessed it yet?
It's called a...
A well written salesletter can be one of themost powerful weapons in any marketersarsenal.

However, did you catch the key word in thatlast sentence?
Not just any salesletter but a "well written"salesletter.
Those two words are the reason topcopywriters earn between $10,000 - $50,000for every salesletter they write.
Unfortunately, most of us aren't in aposition to pay that kind of money...especially for every one of our projects.

But when you are writing it yourself, wheredo you even begin?
That's the same question so many marketershave faced... especially when starring atthat blank white page or blank screen!
Fortunately, I've found one tool that willreally help you get started.
The great thing about this tool is iteliminates a lot of the guesswork of what isneeded in a powerful salesletter.

It walks you through every step and makeswriting super easy.
Who would have thought... writing made easy!
Now this next sentence may sound like anexaggeration but I assure it's not...
This software is so simple, you justbasically fill in a few blanks, press thebutton that says "Generate Sales Letter" andit automatically creates and formatseverything for you.

Yup, it even formats the whole thing for youso if you are selling the product online, theweb page is already created for you!
There are a lot of other powerful featuresand I recommend you take a closer look.
The bottom line is this...
There is an enormous amount of evidence thatclearly shows well written salesletters work.

So why wouldn't you want to give yourproducts the best chance of selling?
Sounds silly doesn't it?
Unfortunately most marketers continue to sitidle in front of their blank computer screens"hoping" that their powerful copy will justcome to them.
Save yourself the hassle and do it the easyway... trust me, you'll thank me afterwards.

Take care,

P.S I forgot to mention that this tools alsocomes with 7 Audio Training sessions thatguide you through how to write powerful copy.
All the details can be found here:

Ecover Generator Software RELEASED !

Dear Reader

It's been proven many times...
Having a graphical image of your digitalproduct can significantly increase sales.
It makes sense because it gives the customera way to visualize the product.

The problem for the product owner is the costof getting these created - especially if youdon't have any graphic design skills!
It's not uncommon for a single eBook image tocost as much as $97 (sometimes more).
Then, if you wanted a different design like abox, special report or membership card theprice goes up.

If you've ever purchased an eBook cover orimage I'm sure you can understand exactlywhat I'm talking about.
Or perhaps you didn't buy one for this exactreason.
Well, I have good news...
I recently found a way to get these highprofile covers almost instantly anytime youwant for a one time payment!
It's called eCover Generator.
You can use this software to create thefollowing types of graphics:
********2 Sided Software Boxes*****

If you are a software developer or evenselling a bundled package, you'llappreciate this 2 Sided Software Box.
It will give your product that extra boostand tempt your customers to purchaseinstantly.

**************3 Sided Software Boxes*************

This 3 Sided Box will be very useful if youare selling a larger package or even asoftware package you want to give a greatervalue to.
As with each design you can fully rotateeach of your images.

**************eBook Covers*****************

This is the standard ebook cover.
However, with eCover Generator, you canchoose several different styles basedupon angles and shadows and whether you wantmore of the spine or pages of the book to bedisplayed.

************Special Report - Plastic Comb*************

So many times we create an informationproduct which is not big enough to be anarticle and not small enough to be just anarticle. That leaves the "Special Report".
This Plastic Comb binding image is theperfect fit to show your digital reports.

***********CD Cover********

Do you sell software, music or anything whichcould be represented by a CD?
Now you can give your product the properdigital packaging.
Simply select the CD Cove

********Wide Box Cover********

Here is a great way to present a bundledpackage in a big wide box. This graphicdemonstrates the magnitude of a bundledoffer.

***************Ezine Cover***********

Do you have an ezine?
Use the new ezine cover to display it to theworld and give yourself a professionalappearance.
You can look like a million bucks andincrease your subscribers too!

***Thin Book Cover***

Maybe your ebook is not quite a novel. Whatdo you do? Simply use the thin book cover totell your story to the world.
Don't forget, you can also change the angleof each book to give it a different look andfeel from your other products.
You can see examples of all the ecovers byvisiting the eCover Generator website:
Before I go any further let me tell you a fewthings that eCover Generator is not and doesnot do!
eCover Generator DOES NOT need any othersoftware to make ebook covers or software boximages. All the work is done within eCoverGenerator, nothing else is required orneeded.
eCover Generator IS NOT a tutorial on how touse other software. eCover Generator does allthe work for you.

It creates and formats theimages to give you a PERFECTLY SHAPED ebookcover or software box EVERY TIME!

eCover Generator IS NOT a set of ebooktemplates where you just add your text. Eachimage is compiled from 2 or 3 separate imagesinto the perfect ecover (all of which isfully customizable).

So click the link above, visit the websiteand start creating top of the line eCoverswithin minutes.
Best of success,

P.S. Last time I checked you could also get aset of 346 high quality templates to use inyour designs. Click below for more details:

Ecovers for your products!

Dear Webmaster

Here's something to think about...
When you purchase a digital product onlinelike an eBook, MP3 file or piece of software,what do you really get?
A bunch of mega bytes or kilo bytes?
Sometimes it's tough as consumers tovisualize the product. That makes selling iteven more difficult.

You have a graphical representation of whatit looks like.
Perhaps you've seen them before. They'recalled eBook Covers.
However, until just a few years ago theydidn't really exist.

That was until Armand Morin made them widelypopular thanks to his software product calledeCover Generator.
He gave "average" people the ability tocreate great looking eGraphics for theirdigital products and before long, they becamean essential part of the selling process.

If you've ever struggled to create graphicsor you're tired of paying expensive graphicdesigners (especially when you want to makeminor changes to something they alreadycreated) then I suggest you give this a look.
It's a powerful piece of software that doesall the heavy lifting for you.

Creating great looking graphics is a breezeand the best part is, you don't need to haveany graphic design skills!
It will definitely make your life a loteasier and save you hours of graphic designheadaches.

Take care,
P.S I forgot to mention, you can create morethan just eCover graphics. See the entireportfolio here:

Create neat ebook covers in three simple steps!

Generator Software’s eCover Generator

Quick Description:****

Providing a graphical representation of your digital products online is crucial to maximizing sales. The problem is, most of us are not graphic designers and even if we were, I’m sure we don’t want to spend the time continually making new eCovers.
That’s why the folks at Generator Software have made it very easy for us by developing a piece of software that will create original eCovers for your eBooks or software packages.

***********What I Like:*******

This product offers a very cost effective alternative to hiring a graphic designer to create an eCover for you. It is extremely easy to use and creates a very professional cover with just a couple of clicks of the mouse.
You don’t have to be a professional designer or a computer whiz to use this and yet you can still create beautiful ecovers in a very short period of time.
Even if you have no design skills whatsoever, you’ll have comfort in knowing that eCover Generator comes complete with 44 image templates that you can modify to suit your needs (last time I checked, you could get a free upgrade to 346 templates with your purchase).

The other thing I like about this product from Generator Software is that they go beyond just the ordinary eCover. Built into this software are are 8 different “styles” of covers including ones for software packages, CD’s, special reports and more.

***************Things To Watch For:******

Keep your designs and your brand consistent. With so many options (especially with the free upgrade to over 300+ templates) it’s easy to go crazy with all kinds of different designs. My recommendation is to select a few designs that you like and look to keep your branding consistent with all your products. It will just add that little bit of professionalism to your products.


*****eCover Generator is a great product for anyone looking for a simple way to create eCovers. The software is very straightforward to use and within minutes you can have professional looking covers. As always, all Generator Software products are backed with a rock solid 30-day money back guarantee so even if you aren’t happy you can always get your money back. They also have a fantastic full-time support staff should you ever need assistance.

Stop ebook highjackers in their tracks !

-------eBook Authors, Publishers and Internet Marketers--------------

Armand Morin has just RECREATED his own software toinclude the #1 feature we all want...EBOOK DISABLING.

* Have you ever had someone cancel? Disable them.* Have you ever had someone not pay? Disable them.* Have you ever had you info stolen? Disable them. get all the features you could ever wantin an ebook software package.
Do not take my word for it. Check it out yourself.
This has to be the best ebook software evercreated and priced to make it affordable for everyone.

There is special pricing if you order today.

Simple ebook creator software

Dear Publisher

As the internet has grown, one thing hasbecome obvious (and problematic)...
More and more people now depend on it astheir number one method of research.
They could be writing a school paper,analyzing competitors or simply researchingthe best place to take their next vacation.
However, with all the information that's nowavailable to them, it can also getoverwhelming and frustrating.

I mean, seriously, who wants to weed throughthousands of search results to find the exactanswers to what you were looking for?
That's why information products such aseBooks have skyrocketed in popularity.
It's a convenient way to package all theinformation into a format where someone couldget all the answers they need in onelocation.
No long searches...
No "fuzzy eyes" from staring at your screenfor long periods of time.
So, then the question becomes, how do peoplecreate eBooks?
Well, essentially there are two main methods.
The first is to put it in a PDF format.

However, the downside to that method isyou're very limited in the kind of multimediainformation you can include.
The alternative is to create an eBook in anexecutable format.
Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to do...especially if you don't have any technicalexperience.
That's why a product called eBook Generatorhas become so popular over the last severalyears.

It's given the "average user" the ability tocreate powerful eBooks in this format withjust a few clicks of the mouse.
There are all kinds of amazing features. Forexample, there is one feature that will giveyou the ability to protect your informationfrom people wanting to illegally steal it.

You know the ones...
They purchase a digital product, download itand then immediately ask for a refund.
eBook Generator will stop people like that intheir tracks.
There are a lot of other powerful featuresand I recommend you take a look.
Take care,

P.S Be sure to look at the section thatdescribes the "tracking feature". You won'tbelieve how powerful that is for someoneselling a digital product!

Generator Software’s eBook Generator
************************************Quick Description************************************eBook Generator is a very useful piece of software created by Armand Morin’s company Generator Software. The software not only walks you through the steps to creating your very own eBook, but it compiles everything for you in a very professional finished product.
************************************What I Like:************************************This product has been at the top of it’s category for years and it’s easy to understand why. The layout and structure of this software make creating your eBook a snap. It’s great for anyone looking to create a smart and professional eBook complete with your own graphics (you can customize the whole thing). In addition, you can save your layout as “templates” so that you don’t have to start from scratch the second time around.
Features like internet linking, password protection, eBook search as well as the having the ability to add multimedia files within the eBook, offer free trials, restrict access to certain areas of the eBook and so many others make eBook Generator the leader when it comes to eBook creation.
It also has an amazing security feature which virtually eliminates the chance of someone stealing your eBook as well as a full tracking system so that you can see when and how often your customers are reading your material.
************************************Things To Watch For:************************************One thing to watch for is the format that it uses after creating your eBook. It turns your ebook into an EXE file which is harder to send through email. However, with all the additional features that are available because it is in a EXE file, eBook Generator becomes a no brainer. My recommendation is to simply create a download page for your customers to retrieve your eBook instead of sending the eBook through email.
************************************Conclusion:************************************If you are looking for a way to compile your information into an eBook format then eBook Generator should be at the top of your list. Dollar for dollar, this is by far the best product on the market and the one thing that I like about all Generator Software products is they have a full-time support staff. So if you have questions, you can always get answers.
For more information on this product check out

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Research Tips For Finding A Profitable eBook Topic!

Research Tips For Finding A Profitable eBook Topic

Over the last 5 years, eBooks have been selling like hot cakes. Interestingly, if you study the eBook market, you would realize that a majority of websites or even individuals who sell eBooks may not be great writers themselves.
Professional writers can be hired at very reasonable costs to write an book. There are writing mentors or coaches out there that will assist you in that part of the process if need be.

What’s important is for you to bring in a knowledge, passion, or belief in your subject. That’s what makes writing sell in the first place. Anyone can be taught how to put the words down; it’s what is being said that is important.
Alternatively, writing the book yourself, even without prior experience is certainly an option. Here are several guidelines and tips for getting started writing your

The First Few Steps To Your First eBook*******

eBooks deliver complete, instantly available, expert knowledge in a single, easily handled package. Creating an eBook may not require prior experience, but it certainly requires careful planning and considerable groundwork.

You create eBooks with a focus of building an ongoing, lifelong multiple stream of income. In addition, eBooks should be created with the aim of raising your credibility and trust ratings with clients or customers.
Selling eBooks comprises of three phases:1) Researching and developing an idea for the book2) Writing the eBook3) Marketing the eBook
In this we’re going to focus on how to research and find a profitable idea to write about.

*****************Researching Topics***********

The Internet is primarily used to communicate, entertain, educate and research. It is thus no wonder that information-intensive eBooks are the most popular online products at present.

How do you decide on a subject for your eBook?
The simple answer is research, research, and more research.
Your main objective is to write on a subject that has long term appeal. After all, you would like to derive as much profit out of your eBook as possible. It’s necessary that your subject does not get outdated in a couple of months after you wrote it – otherwise it’s going to need continually updating.
The best way to choose a topic is to figure out what people look for. This can be done by analyzing top searches at Search Engines. Many search engines as well as other popular portals such as Search Terms keep track of the most popular searches over a period. Besides, there are many other tools such the Keyword Live Software from Analog X that monitors top search terms at major Search Engines. You could use these lists to figure out the most popular subjects.

The next step is to carefully analyze some of the most popular subjects. You can use popular keyword search tools such as WordTracker or Overture’s Search Term Tool to determine popular search terms similar or relevant to the one’s you have listed.
This will give you a much more specific and focused list to work from. However, deciding to write an eBook based on a popular search term may not be a very smart idea. The key is to establish the exact need of the people you are targeting.
There may be many eBooks that target the same subject. However, most of them would probably be devoid of some aspect of the subject. Unless your eBook fills this void, it would not be a success.

Creating the eBook without any writing experience is not difficult. With a little bit of research and learning you can create an eBook that is workable. The toughest part is to get hold of a killer idea. After all, eBooks are all about ideas — the better your idea, the higher your sales.

entrepreneurs all over the net are using these bestselling software programs such as eBook Generator and eCover Generator. Claim your free video which outlines exactly how to create your own best selling ebook, go to:**********************